Accessibility, Apple, iPhone, Tips

7 Accessibility tips to improve usability on iPhone

Since day one, Apple‘s products have always focused on making things easy to use and operate, especially for a product like the iPhone. The iPhone used by millions has to be easier to use, considering the mobility experience. Steve Jobs believed that a product has to offer more than just its look and feel, ultimately emphasizing the intuitiveness of the same. Jobs always focused on user experience to be the driving force of the success of a product.

Anyways, with all that said, today we have 7 Accessibility tips for iPhone users out there. Let’s begin…

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To start off: Head over to Settings > Accessibility to explore the features. In this article, however, we’ll focus on seven of the many accessibility options available.

1. Magnifier

Go to Magnifier within Accessibility to access this setting.

Make use of the iPhone camera to magnify things around quickly. Enable this option and go to your home screen and check for the Magnifier app. You can also search for the same via the Spotlight search field.

Magnifier app

2. Sound Recognition

In the Accessibility menu, locate and tap Sound Recognition.

This allows the device to listen to sounds in your surroundings. Tap Sounds to toggle recognition for a doorbell, an animal, running water, and more. Upon recognizing a sound, you’ll receive a notification. Please note that the Hey Siri command is unavailable when Sound Recognition is enabled.

Although this is a very beneficial feature to help increase awareness, Apple advises against relying on this function for high-risk or emergency situations. Use with caution.

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Display & Text Size

Tap Display & Text Size in the Accessibility menu to access the following:

3. Bold text

This option will help a lot of users out there with varying visions helping them to see written content and descriptions legibly. Also, there may be users who prefer bold rich fonts as opposed to thin fonts for a visual appeal.

4. Increase Contrast

This option helps increase the contrast of an app’s background in comparison with the rest of its user interface easy navigation.

5.  Larger Text

Increase the size of the texts on display through the slider. Apps that support Dynamic Type make use of this feature. Toggle Larger Accessibility Sizes to access more sizes.

6. Button Shapes

Buttons throughout iOS get underlined to help users distinguish between an action and a normal text.

7. On/Off Labels

1 and 0 labels are added to all of the toggle switches. 1 means a switch is ON and 0 represents the OFF position.

Thank you for reading!

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