Apple published a fresh new Apple Watch Series 7 ad dubbed 911 highlighting its life-saving capability. The video commercial focus on ensuring users call the 911 emergency call service to help save their lives. When it comes to on-the-go mobile health safety, Apple Watch has been reliable since its inception with advanced health monitoring and fall detection mechanisms.
The ad is conceptualized based on three real-life events of people named Jason, Jim, and Amanda. The first story showcases the caller Amanda’s sobering moments where her car is flipped with water eventually entering inside her vehicle and up to her neck.
In the second 911 call, we get to listen to the plight of a paddleboarder. He got taken and moved away by strong that he’s struggling to get back from the sea to land.
The third person on the call appears to be a farmer who broke his leg after a fall down 21 feet in the ground.
The 911 emergency services helped save them all in a matter of minutes according to the title towards the end of the ad.
Have you been in any emergency situations before while wearing an Apple Watch, specifically the Series 7? And in case you are aware, all you have got to do is to press and hold the side button for a set period of time to call your country or region-based emergency services.