Apple, iPhone 13 Pro, Issues, Troubleshooting

iPhone 13 Pro plagued by pink screen of death!

A small group of iPhone 13 Pro users is suffering from the pink screen of death issues on their devices. The iPhone 13 Pro pink screen issue is what appears to be a bright pink colored display appearing during normal usage of the device. The device freezes and even rebooting doesn’t solve the problem for some.

Frustrated users highlighted on the Apple Discussion Forum back in 2021 itself with symptoms being crashes rendering the debuts unusable. Restarting the device does not fix the issue for users. Even resetting to factory settings does not curb the issue.

iphone-13-pro-pink-screen-of-death-768x1024-5014300-1396236 Source: DPigar/Apple Discussions Forum

Apple Service Center claimed the issue to be a hardware problem and users have been assured a replacement device in return. However, customers weren’t happy with their few days old iPhone 13 devices exhibiting such behavior.

One user had their iPhone 13 Pro Max display the pink screen while sending a PDF file via WhatsApp. Considering iOS 15.3 is right around the corner, we expect Apple to bring out some software updates to curb this issue better.

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